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Members complete a written exam on milk production and marketing, evaluate milk samples for flavor and quality, identify cheeses, evaluate sediment pads and milker parts for defects, demonstrate problem-solving skills in distinguishing real and artificial dairy foods, merchandising dairy foods, and current issues in marketing dairy foods.


Expectations at Convention for Milk Quality
  • Need to stay away from teammates

  • Each product that you taste or touch needs to be thrown out afterward (for example - milk - pour in your own glass, taste, throw out OR cheese - touch or eat cheese, taste, throw out)

  • Students will not actually DO the CMT - instead, they will watch someone else do the test. 

  • Students will use a scantron


What SHOULD students bring? (Tools/equipment/materials)
  • Two pencils

  • Bottle of water for each student (Some like to bring crackers or apples; we recommend water)


What will be provided by the event?
  • Scantron sheet

  • Calculator

  • Clipboard

What can students NOT BRING for themselves? 
  • Any paper materials

  • Bringing a scale to help score milk defects or cheese matrix

  • ANY documents to assist in scoring defects/cheese matrix

  • Calculator

  • Clipboard


What will get a student/team disqualified? 
  • Talking to other students and especially teammates

  • Using personal electronic devices including cell phones and/or smart watches

  • Bringing a scale to help score milk defects or cheese matrix​


For your specific questions contact:


Teacher Chair: Andrew Steiner


Natasha Mortenson

Minnesota FFA CDE Coordinator

146 Ruttan Hall   

1984 Buford Ave.    

St Paul, MN 55108



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