Agricultural Education
School-Based Agricultural Education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems.

National FFA Organization
FFA is a national, intra-curricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. Per Public Law 116-7,
FFA is one of three components of School-Based Agricultural Education.

FFA for All
From the agriculture classroom to the blue jacket, we are dedicated to providing access to and the experience of premier leadership, personal growth, and career success to all Minnesota youth.
Growing Leaders, Building Communities, and Strengthening Agriculture

The FFA experience is valuable to all students, regardless if they do or do not ultimately pursue agricultural careers. FFA members are both prepared to embark on a career in agriculture through opportunities available in eight different career pathways, and they are prepared for career success in another chosen field because the components of the mission become differentiating power skills. FFA members, regardless of future occupation, become informed and supportive consumers, leaders in building their communities and help strengthen agriculture.